EVENT 映画▶アーカイブ公開中▶🎬ソロモンの偽証 前篇・事件

コメント (30)

thank you, rainy-san ! ;)
@laschean thavk you so much for coming
kero means frog say ‘ribbit’ in Japanese.
i have a mild case of multiple personalities
i'm both .. i'm andres and laschean
great ... it's good to hear you, liana-san
rainy-san !! liana-san ??
‘kero’ is the frog alien’s slags. it means ‘ i am fine.
good and you (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧
happy new year. long time no see
Both will basically have the same grammar. The major difference is what expression or words are chosen or preferred.