Comments (134)

Here in Barrow its cloudy but warm. Where did the sun go??
蝉時雨 雷鳴響く 曇り空
@f:1708579716088378 I choose you Ani-chi.. Fight. Ani-chi uses coolness powers.
@f:1708579716088378 Oh Aki is a little late. Is she catching Pokemon again?? Haha..
@narikko_0317 Ozassu, Kobassu! How are you today? I'm ok but sleepy.
@narikko_0317 ござっすです!(^^)!
@kamikawano こざっするんるん♪
@f:1708579716088378 こざっすです。
thank you(^-^)/
@f:1708579716088378 That's great. Oh I almost finished my drawing from last night. Upload soon.
I had my breakfast and now time for coffee and time to wait.
@f:1708579716088378 Its nice it was day of today from your shift. So you had a nice relax day??
ozassu(^-^)/  kobassu(^-^)/
today  is  off  shift(^-^)/
@f:1708579716088378 Ozassu Kobassu, How are you today? I'm still sleepy..
@f:1708579716088378 ござっすです(^_-)-☆
@kamikawano こざっす(^-^)/